MEGA SDK configuration and compilation instructions for OSX. *) Install Xcode and run it to accept the license agreement. *) Install Homebrew package manager: The website has nice instructions how to install it. *) Install dependencies: brew install autoconf automake libtool libcryptopp sqlite openssl c-ares freeimage readline brew install --with-openssl curl *) Get and extract MEGA SDK sources *) Configure project: ./ ./configure \ --with-openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl \ --with-cryptopp=/usr/local/opt/cryptopp \ --with-sqlite=/usr/local/opt/sqlite \ --with-cares=/usr/local/opt/c-ares \ --with-curl=/usr/local/opt/curl \ --with-freeimage=/usr/local/opt/freeimage \ --with-readline=/usr/local/opt/readline *) Build project: make *) If you experience an error similar to: /usr/local/opt/freeimage/include/FreeImage.h:153:17: error: typedef redefinition with different types ('int32_t' (aka 'int') vs 'signed char') typedef int32_t BOOL; ^ you can fix it by editing `/usr/local/opt/freeimage/include/FreeImage.h` and surrounding typedef int32_t BOOL; with: #ifndef __MACTYPES__ typedef int32_t BOOL; #endif